We are AMERICA'S BOATING CLUB of Snohomish County aka as Everett Sail and Power Squadron. We are a non-profit boating safety education organization. Our charter is to provide safe boating education to the public and our members. We promote and encourage boating by offering a variety of classes such as basic boating, boat handling, piloting, weather and navigation in the Northwest. We want to help you increase your knowledge in boating by offering classes and social activities, such as rendezvous and cruises throughout the Pacific Northwest. Join us in the classroom or on the water.
Are you perhaps interested in joining the United States Power Squadrons? We are a terrific group of people who enjoy learning about boating and meeting like-minded folks who are also passionate about boating. Some of our members do not yet have boats, some have RV's. We are a very diverse group. We'd love for you to join our squadron, come to a meeting, and be a part of our group!
We meet the first Tuesday of most every month (except July/August) at the The Fireman's Hall in Everett. The dinner's are potluck with dessert provided by the bridge officer's. The meetings generally have fascinating speakers. We host rendezvous and offer education/classes throughout the year.
We hope you will come to check out our Squadron.
What is the United States Power Squadrons®
The United States Power Squadrons® is a non profit, boating educational and social organization dedicated to making boating safer and more enjoyable. Our members are boaters and boating families who enjoy participating with fellow members on the water and in the classroom. Squadron members have fun together, learn together, and boat together.
Our History
The Everett Sail and Power Squadron was chartered by the United States Power Squadrons® in 1948 and the fourth Squadron in D-16.