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Super Seminars

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Lt/C Brian Rachal  425/280-3557

Boat Handling


Seattle Boating Education Club
Want to improve your knowledge of basic boat handling?  These seminars will satisfy your needs

Boat Handling Under Power

Advanced Powerboat Handling


Boating on Rivers. Locks, and Lakes

Sail Trim and Rig Tuning

Emergencies On Board

Fuel and Boating

Using VHF and DSC

Partner in Command
Tides and Currents


Are you a crew member or passenger who has no idea what's going on during a boat trip?  Learn the essential skills you will need to help the skipper safely operate a recreational boat, including how to respond in an emergency. 

You'll become an asset on board with Partner in Command.

The Partner in Command seminar includes an introduction to boating, understanding anchoring, docking, and navigation, preparing for bad weather, first aid and on-board emergencies, and more.

Partner in Command seminar can be completed in 2 hours and comes with a full color Student Guide for the seminar.

What's Included?

  • Communications, including VHF marine radio

  • Calling for help

  • Signaling equipment

  • Safety and safety equipment

  • First aid

  • Starting and running the engine

  • Tool kits


Cruise confidently in coastal waters, secure in your knowledge of tidal conditions.  Even if you are an inland boater, you may travel to an area where knowing about tides and tidal currents is important.  Discover what causes the tides to rise and fall and what causes the currents to flow. Learn where to find sources of information about tides and tidal currents, simple ways to predict height of tide and speed of current flow and how to use both print and electronic tide tables.  Learn about how tides and currents affect your boat’s performance from experienced coastal boaters.

Each student receives a full color Student Guide for this two-hour seminar.

What's Included?
  • Causes and effects of tides and currents

  • Predict the time of highest tide before it begins to fall

  • Predict the vertical movement of the water

  • Safely navigate low tide

  • Determine the speed of the current and when it reaches maximum flood

  • Deal with mean high and low water

  • Use NOAA charts and tables

  • Factor in tides and currents when anchoring



Do you use your boat to cruise to different locations for longer periods of time?  You need to have as much information as possible available so you’re not surprised by local laws or regulations.

Crossing Borders


Do you feel comfortable that you know where you are when you’re boating?  Want to improve your positioning skills?  These seminars will help you know where you’re at while boating.

Using GPS

How to Use a Chart

Introduction to Navigation

Mariner’s Compass

Mastering the Rules of the Road

Marine Radar



Are you on good terms with Mother Nature?  Do you know how to handle the changes in the environment that can come your way?  These seminars can help you out on the water.

Basic Weather and Forecasting

Hurricane Preparation for Boaters

Tides and Currents

Facing the Enviroment


Do you want to improve your skills in areas related to boating?  Here are some interesting areas to pursue.

Knots, Bends, and Hitches
Paddle Smart
Trailering Your Boat


Man Overboard

People fall overboard, especially in rough weather and high seas.  Discover how to equip and maneuver your boat to retrieve someone in the water.  Essential for all boaters, this seminar teaches you what to do if you fall overboard, as well as how to retrieve someone else. The seminar includes a full color Student Guide for the seminar.


What’s Included ?

  • How to recover a crewmember who has fallen overboard

  • Vessel set-up and man overboard (MOB) equipment

  • Maneuvering to keep the rescuer close to the person in the water

Man Overboard
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